The NFL opened this can of worms and informed us that the proper decisions would be made regarding it in 3-5 days. Suddenly it became the greatest puzzle to solve.

The drama has been far better than any soap.

Bill Belichick chimes in informing us first that he knows 'nothing' about the football and process of properly inflating that football. He's totally oblivious to this matter... knows nothing.

Tom Brady comes on informing us that he would never cheat. You can almost see the halo over his head in that presser.

Then on Saturday the 24th Jan. Bill Belichick is back (what!?) to assist the NFL in it's now overdue investigation. Bill is at his most charming self. He's like the dull Science Teacher who teaches us about what happens when the balls are vigorously rubbed to get the texture that Tom Brady needs to handle game balls. Bill looks like the hero here as he explains Amontons' Law of Pressure-Temperature as that applies to balls over time and changing temperature. In a matter of days Bill Belichick has gone from a man of total ignorance and the NFL ball to a man enlightened as to how complex it all is and well after an embarrassing concentrated time spent on this issue he's much more informed. He's offered the NFL all it needs to slink away from this matter.

The NFL loves all this because the publicity from it is enormous. It's the lead story on major news channels. It's dealt with as a major topic on CNN. Even Saturday Night Live toss's it into their mix as something as it is or really very hilarious. On and on it goes right up to or beyond the Super Bowl game and the winner.

The NFL as the Super Bowl audience very possibly hits a new record.

Who are the villainous stars of all this but bad Ole Bill Belichick and Tom Brady and the fact of the matter is that unless the NFL can come up with admissions of guilt (good luck with that and the Patriots Mob) or video evidence of ball tampering. This issue is dead in the water.

I'm wondering about stuff like this:

Do the New England Patriots drop pass's and have fumbles that are in accordance with the rest of the NFL teams?