King again:

Green Bay wideout Jared Abbrederis at 24
Second link takes you to this (copy editor should get a talking to). I don't know what to say about a man who tries to guess who has decisive role in one play at the Super Bowl before training camp starts. On the other hand, King may just have cursed Magic with some Bostick residue.

26. Jared Abbrederis, Wide Receiver, Green Bay Packers

No, we’re not really arguing that a 2014 fifth-round pick who spent his rookie year on injured reserve will be one of the most influential figures in the NFL this season. But think about it: At this point last summer, could anyone have foreseen that an undrafted Division II defensive back, who’d lingered on the Patriots practice squad and wasn’t far removed from a stint at Popeyes, would make the decisive play in Super Bowl 49? Or that a third-string Green Bay tight end with nine career catches would swing the NFC Championship Game with one flash of bad judgment and a pair of slippery hands? Every year some anonymous player—Super Bowl hero Malcolm Butler, NFC title game goat Brandon Bostick—plays a major role in a significant game, emerging from out of nowhere to stamp his imprint on the season, for good or bad. In past years it has been Malcolm Smith, Kyle Williams, David Tyree, Larry Brown, Timmy Smith. In 2001, a scrawny second-year backup QB stepped in for the injured starter in Week 2 and proceeded to lead his team to a Super Bowl victory. So take a bow, Jared Abbrederis: In the eyes of The MMQB, you stand for all the unknown, unsung battlers in the NFL—one of whom, we guarantee, will take his place in football history at some point in the 2015 season.