I have not commented on this yet because I am so sick of this topic but here goes from someone that really does not like the pats or Brady so here goes do I think Brady did something wrong or had some one do it for him yes, do I think he destroyed his phone so they couldnt see the texts yes, I also think he is lieing to Kraft so he has him backing him up but do I think that the punishment is over the line yes I do , I think Godel is finally so fed up with the Pats breaking the rules or just right to the point of them that he has had it and trying to make a point of it and say no more will be tolerated . I am also sure he has teams agreeing with him or he probably would have backed down but there has been a good amount of teams blaming the Pats for cheating on one thing or another and have been proven right and old roger just slapped them on the wrist and now he has egg on his face for letting them get away with thing in the past do I think its fair to punish them for previous infractions no but no matter what happens he has sent all the teams a message that the cheating for all the teams is stopping now.