Lindy seemed like a fundamentally decent guy. His teams were he first ray of hope after two decades of futility and set the stage for what was to come under Wolf.

I remember his last game as his undisciplined team unravelled and Wolf was shown in the press box, hand over his mouth, glowering. Poor Lindy knew the axe was falling and said so to the victorious coach.

Another memory I have is of The Lindy Infante Show where some poor Schlub in the audience, good looking, big strapping kid sporting a mullet, who'd played some high school ball, delusionally hoping this is his big chance to live his child hood dream tells Coach if he needs someone to play press coverage, he's coaches guy. Poor Coach doesn't know what to say so there's this big pause. And cut to commercial. Totally uncomfortable for everyone involved.

RIP Coach, you gave us some good memories.