Quote Originally Posted by George Cumby View Post
The JSO poster's point about Rodgers being different after dating Munn may have merit:

Patler, think about how you used to act when you hung out with those cross-dressers. You'd show up wearing make up and shit. It was just weird.

PB, remember when you were going "Walkabout" with Paul Hogan. Next thing we knew, you were wearing leather vests, talking in a fake Austrailian accent and putting Vegemite on everything.. Gross.

Fritz, your time with Drew was unforgettable. The way you'd walk around with sunglasses on, even at night with your "personal assistant" in tow, 24/7.

Rand, remember when you hung out with Tex and all of a sudden were taking all those trips to Thailand?

Who can forget my "Goth" phase? I still have a hard time passing the make up aisle at Target and not picking out the latest shade of black lipstick.

The people we spend our time with shapes us. We don't exist in a vacuum, there is a complex interplay of personality and psyche. Spend time with shit heads, you're gonna be more of a shit head. Spend time with uplifting people, you're gonna be a better person. Spend time at Packerrats and you may attain enlightenment.

We obviously know little about her or their dynamic, the nature of their relationship what conversations they have. But as Patler pointed out, starlets are rarely a good value. Hollywood is rife with narcissists and narcissists make for poor partners, to say the least.

Thanks for making me spit my coffee out laughing.