Well out of his 11 career playoff games he has played well in 4 of them. And I feel like 4 is being generous, considering I'm counting his first first playoff game in which he had the ball in his hands, with the game on the line, and choked. I'm not arguing he's bad, just not clutch. As I said in the original post, the guy racks up gaudy numbers against lower tier teams. When he plays a good defense he almost always sucks. The gold standard in the NFL right now is Tom Brady, look at what he has done with journeymen receivers for 15 years. Look at his current makeshift O-LINE. He doesn't whine about injuries, and the o-line, and the weather, and the refs, and his strained vagina. Every week, every year, I just see the gap between these two "all time greats" widening dramatically.