There is video of Michael Oher quite literally sliding while trying to anchor against a pass rusher on the Levi stadium turf. He slides backward like he is on skates. Its remarkable that he keeps his balance. It looks like Ware is working a blocking sled.

Despite that near calamity of pass protection, Cam has time and a clear pocket. He has three receivers running out of a group. He chooses the crossing route but the DB makes a great jump and hits Olsen as the ball gets there. Incomplete.

However, because of that bunched WR group (something the Packers should have been using much more of this year) the DB cannot press at the line. Olsen is free on his release and he gets a step or two into the route after his break before the DB closes. But the ball and DB arrive at the same time. Newton was late on the throw.

The Denver D isn't just good on the edges, though the pressure obviously helps a great deal. The Denver D is good enough that it can stop a QB who doesn't throw with anticipation. Newton didn't do that enough in the game to rescue the offense. If he isn't able to run, he needs to be able to do that.