Packers wanted big guys and got big guys

Posted Apr 30, 2016

By: Mike Spofford senior writer @MikeSpofford

Four of seven draft picks are linemen, five of seven from out west

Comment woodbuck27:

I believe this belongs here with JH's fine thread. Thanks JH for your analysis and insite into the nuances of Ted Thompson. He personally drives me up the wall at times and suddenly I'm all for him. LOL

If you havn't as yet seen the TT Presser following the 2016 Draft ... here it is:

I was impressed with how TT responded in this press conference. I felt he was pleased and open (revealing) in his responses. I liked how he opened showing his appreciation for all the Packer personnel that assist in helping to ensure a drafts success. If you stick with this interview you'll hear TT talk about the importance of the area scouts.