Vic has apparently had some recent health problems. I believe he's had both heart and cancer problems in the past.

From a June 21 column:

Chase from Madisonville, KY

How’s the dead period going for you, Vic?

I’m happy to report I’m still in the live period.

Josh from Tucson, AZ

Everything OK with Vic? I’ve been reading the column since the beginning in Jacksonville. The last time there was an unannounced absence, he was in the hospital after a heart attack.

I got a visit from my old friend last Friday. This visit included a helicopter ride. Oh, the thoughts that run through a man’s mind when it appears the clock is running out. Fortunately, I was granted another overtime period. Well, I’m back, baby, and it feels great. Today is wonderful. It’s all the tomorrows I fear, so I’ll try to make every day today. Maybe we could apply that philosophy to football. Let’s try to make every season this season. Let’s sharpen our senses so we accumulate as many memories as possible, even the ones that hurt, because memories make us rich, even the ones that hurt. Without the visit from my old friend, I might’ve never taken a helicopter ride – yeah, it was my first – and I would’ve never met Robert the wheelchair guy. As he wheeled me to my waiting car on Monday, he asked, “Mr. Ketchman, are you the sportswriter?” I confessed and then asked him how he knew. “I read your column,” he said. “Are you a Packers fan?” I asked. “Yeah,” he said. God, I love football. It’s made me so rich.

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