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Thread: Josh Sitton.

  1. #221
    Quote Originally Posted by Pugger View Post
    It sucks we lost Sitton but we've survived and thrived offensively with worse guards than Lane Taylor.
    Not sure this is true.

    But maybe we'll see the good Lane, not the passing Lane this season. Or at a minimum he'll continue to improve. I'm not selling my Packer season tickets over this move. (They are imaginary, but they mean a lot to me.)

  2. #222
    Barbershop Rat HOFer Pugger's Avatar
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    We won a SB in 2010 with Daryn Freaking Colledge at LG. And right now Lang is the better guard than Sitton is presently, IMO. The sky isn't falling, gentlemen.

  3. #223
    Legendary Rat HOFer vince's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harlan Huckleby View Post
    You're defining haughty as a locker room cancer. I seriously doubt any of the players saw him as a cancer. He was a cancer to management because he was demanding a negotiation. They wanted to discourage that sort of uppity behavior by the help.

    I bet you will find that players are distraught over their team being weakened. Sitton was reportedly a leader on the line.
    McCarthy said it became a locker room issue not me. Had it not penetrated the locker room there would be little motivation to eliminate it. Your "management exploitation of the help" interpretation is based on bias not reality based on everything that I've read about this situation. Perhaps you've read something I didn't but I'd love to hear it.

  4. #224
    Shutdown Corner Rat HOFer Anti-Polar Bear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by red View Post
    i can imagine it now

    sitton at TT's office door knocking on it

    sitton- ted can we talk about a new contract

    TT-(hiding under desk)- he's not here, go away please

    sitton- i just want to ask if we can work out an extension

    TT- please just leave me alone, if you want to communicate with me, send a letter to my assistant

    sitton- ted i know your in there, lets just talk it out now


    sitton leaves

    TT calls m3- mike we have a problem. sitton was just being very aggressive towards me about a new contract

    m3- its ok teddy, lets just get rid of him so that doesn't happen again. now let me come up and suck you off to relax you
    I'm not going to stop the wheel. I'm going to break the wheel.

  5. #225
    Pugger, I generally agree with what you say, but Colledge was not a bad player. He had a long career as an NFL starter.

  6. #226
    Quote Originally Posted by vince View Post
    McCarthy said it became a locker room issue not me. Had it not penetrated the locker room there would be little motivation to eliminate it. Your "management exploitation of the help" interpretation is based on bias not reality based on everything that I've read about this situation. Perhaps you've read something I didn't but I'd love to hear it.
    You've accepted management's side of the story as the whole story. You have zero facts to judge Sitton's behavior.

    Of course management says they were the reasonable party and Sitton was the disloyal one. TT refuses to negotiate, that is just business. When Sitton is haughty, that's bad character. Suggesting that management cut Sitton to set an example is conjecture on my part. But a reasonable interpretation.

  7. #227
    Legendary Rat HOFer vince's Avatar
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    I think it's completely unreasonable to believe McCarthy would suggest it was a locker room issue if that were not true. He needs to lead his team and there's no better way to lose these guys than to assassinate the character of one of the team leaders as he gets shown the door. He'd have no credibility whatsoever in the locker room.

    I don't know how smart McCarthy is, but I know he's not that dumb.

  8. #228
    Just a speculative question: What do you think Aaron Rodgers would say about this move if we put him under the bright lights and broke him? Do you think he would say that he is relieved to be rid of a cancer? Or do you think he would utter a curse word?

  9. #229
    Quote Originally Posted by vince View Post
    I think it's completely unreasonable to believe McCarthy would suggest it was a locker room issue if that were not true.
    Yes, but Sitton being mad about management refusing to negotiate could be how McCarthy defines a "locker room issue."

    We're judging a situation from afar.

    I agree with you Sitton agreed to give his best in 2016 as part of his contract and owes it to the team. BTW, why would he not do that when he is in a critical contract year?

  10. #230
    Legendary Rat HOFer vince's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harlan Huckleby View Post
    Just a speculative question: What do you think Aaron Rodgers would say about this move if we put him under the bright lights and broke him? Do you think he would say that he is relieved to be rid of a cancer? Or do you think he would utter a curse word?
    I'd say none of the players, especially Rodgers, wanted Sitton to be cut. But he'll probably have to respect the decision if it impacted team unity as they're working their asses off to make a Super Bowl run.

    He'd probably lead the team strike if he was cut for no good reason and McCarthy made up shit about him on the way out the door.

  11. #231
    Legendary Rat HOFer vince's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harlan Huckleby View Post
    Yes, but Sitton being mad about management refusing to negotiate could be how McCarthy defines a "locker room issue."

    We're judging a situation from afar.

    I agree with you Sitton agreed to give his best in 2016 as part of his contract and owes it to the team. BTW, why would he not do that when he is in a critical contract year?
    As you noted, it was in his personal financial interests, and he thought the Packers owed it to him to be a priority.

  12. #232
    When you think about it, it was perfectly stupid situation. Sitton had no reason to be mad, even if TT signaled that this was his last year in GB. You would think Sitton and TT could talk this through and shake hands, regardless of TT's decision. I am not sure whether TT or Sitton fucked this relationship up, but something went wrong.

  13. #233
    Legendary Rat HOFer vince's Avatar
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    Agreed. Though to be technical Sitton personally felt good reason to be mad. He felt he earned the right to be top dog and was snubbed. While I think they were correct in putting the younger guys as higher priority, I can see how that might piss Sitton off.

    Or, perhaps it was a strategy drummed up by his agent to gain financial advantage. To that end, it worked out for him.
    Last edited by vince; 09-05-2016 at 02:18 PM.

  14. #234
    Maybe if MM had relaxed TT BEFORE he talked to Sitton this all could have been avoided.

  15. #235
    Quote Originally Posted by Harlan Huckleby View Post
    Pugger, I generally agree with what you say, but Colledge was not a bad player. He had a long career as an NFL starter.
    Colledge got a serious second contract from the Cardinals and played through the majority of it. Lane Taylor isn't there yet, agreed. But if you are going to have a weak link, better there than at LT.
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  16. #236
    Sugadaddy Rat HOFer Zool's Avatar
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    I recall Ted letting a couple other guards go a few years back and everyone freaked out. Rivera played about 10 more games in the NFL. Maybe this is Marco 2.0. Let's just hope Lane doesn't suck like that kid he picked up from NE.

  17. #237
    I'll bet Sitton doesn't make it to the end of the season.

    I virtually guarantee he doesn't finish out this contract.

  18. #238
    Quote Originally Posted by vince View Post
    Not following that. They told Sitton and Lang they wouldn't renegotiate. Lang's on the team and Sitton is not. That reinforces the notion, not undermines it. that Sitton had a conniption while Lang did not.
    I would say that notion is speculative. There is evidence to support it, yes, but it's circumstantial evidence. I guess I don't find it overwhelming circumstantial evidence the way Daugherty seems to. Isn't it also possible that the Packers had simply decided Sitton is in decline and no longer worth the $6M and that, in the long run, they were better off developing someone who could be playing better than Sitton by next year? I think it seems likely but not certain that player attitude had a role in this.

  19. #239
    For the Packer brass, it sends an important message to the TEAM that griping about contracts and looking out for yourself isn't tolerated. While the Packers take it in the shorts a bit on this one, they may head off a larger problems down the road due to how they handled this one. This was an unfortunate situation, but that is how the NFL works and it isn't the last time we'll see it.

    If Sitton can get the ax, then 95% of the other guys in the locker room can too. Sure, Sitton got a little more money elsewhere...but he's playing for Chicago, a team with only one Sunday night game and who is still a long shot to reach the playoffs even with everything that has worked to their favor in that regard over the last week. To be honest, he may not really have earned much more...since with a good 2016 in Green Bay, he may have earned a new 3 year deal similar to the one he just signed AFTER this season and made more money in the long run. Other guys on the team have taken a little less to stay in Green Bay (such as Cobb) where they know that regular prime time exposure and continual playoff appearances pay off more in the end in terms of endorsements and future gigs after playing days are up. Sitton just made himself an enemy to the Green Bay fans, which he will come to regret in time...just as others who pulled similar stunts have.
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  20. #240
    M3 PC:
    “There’s a lot of things that go into this decision,” McCarthy said. “This was not just one thing. With that, it was tough.

    “I believe there are positions in football that are primary positions and some positions that are not to that level. There are some positions you put in front of the others.”

    Read more:
    Bud Adams told me the franchise he admired the most was the Kansas City Chiefs. Then he asked for more hookers and blow.

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