Quote Originally Posted by Patler View Post
Results of Packers plays on 1st down.

Passes - 0-49-2-0-2-0-5-0-13-0-9
Runs - 3-5-3-(-1)-3-8-7-0-4-2-(-1)

That passing line is a little incredible: even on a day when Rodgers's performance said "We're back!" his first-down passing efficiency still leaves a lot to be desired. For argument's sake let's say that anything less than four yards on first down is a failure. Seven out of 11 first down passes were objective fails, one was a near fail, and only three were objective successes. The eleven first down run plays were just as bad or worse in terms of number of objective successes, but many of the nominal failures still kept the down-and-distance reasonable. The answer isn't pass more or get out of the tendency to run on first and second downs, it's that the Packers need to find a way to increase their overall first-down efficiency.