yet thousands of people show up for college games every week and high school games

and thousands show up up AA and AAA baseball games, but no one will show up for football ?

and it wouldn't be that big of a money pit, you wouldn't be paying these guys a half million dollars, you'd be paying them 1 or 2 thousand a week (for maybe 16 weeks) for maybe 40 guys. i bet with traveling and renting out local high school stadiums you could have a team for less then 1 or 2 million a year

and you really don't think people will show up? people are showing up by the hundreds to see 2 or 3 packers scrubs show up and schools, just because they're accosiated with the packers

every other sport in the world has figured out how to do developmental leagues, but the nfl

and if college is worried about losing players, maybe they should start paying for them. its almost like saying, "oh we could free the slaves", but the cotton industry would really suffer and the plantation owners would lose a ton of money"