Quote Originally Posted by ND72 View Post
We always park at Ace Hardware on Ridge Road, probably 2-3 blocks from Lambeau. parking is like $15 or 20, i never remember, but is a full parking lot. And even though they "frown" on anyone using rest rooms, we always go in so we can have a normal restroom. We will buy a soda or something just so we aren't "cheap". Plus the parking lot is spacious enough that we can tailgate, throw a football around, and enjoy our time, most everyone else that parks there does that also. There are no "easy outs" after the game getting out on the road, but for us it has never seemed bad from there to leave as long as you know where you're going...but we live in the area, so we aren't in a rush. Entering the stadium the Mills Fleet Farm gate is right on that corner when you get to Lambeau, which is an easy gate to get in as it is like the back corner of the stadium, good view of the new Titletown district from there. It's also our favorite as it was the 1st Packer/Viking Favre game in Lambeau where my buddy was bad mouthing Favre, as we realized Deanna Favre was standing right in front of us.
Great to see you postin', ND
Keep em coming.