Quote Originally Posted by Joemailman View Post
The fund that Watt is doing is called The Houston Flood Relief Fund. https://www.youcaring.com/victimsofh...eharvey-915053

Youcaring is a platform for many fundraising efforts. The Red Cross has been subject to criticism in the past. Many religious charities, like Catholic Charities and Samaritan's Purse, have less overhead than The Red Cross.
Took me a while to dig this up and get an idea of the critique about the Red Cross. Basic idea is Red Cross in your local area does great job providing shelter, food and clothing, access to medical care, etc. for local communities. See the low over head number. You have local fire that wipes out an apartment building or some homes? Call them. Tornado? Call them.

But in cases of national catastrophe, see Katrina, Haiti or possibly Harvey, they don't have the organizational heft to be effective at providing long term relief from all of their small platforms to one concentrated area for extended periods of time. They DO however, a great job of fundraising off those disasters, see the $30/100 of fund raising cost). Some of that success is probably people volunteering the Red Cross as the de facto route for giving in public appeals.

Here is a report about the less than stellar response to Haiti that the Red Cross oversaw. https://www.propublica.org/article/h...-built-6-homes