Of course they are colluding. I bet if you dig, there's a paper trail too since most of these old fogies aren't tech savvy. Does anyone really think they're not?? C'mon, dude has a good arm, great size, etc. He has everything you look for as a QB. Worst case - if he had a clean rap sheet, everyone would want him as a project as you saw what Harbaugh could get out of him. He has a rocket arm. Way better than the two noodles chuckers we saw in Minne today.

I find it very hard to believe that all owners independently drew the conclusion to not sign a prospect like him, even with the baggage, when you have owners willing to sign a Tyreke Hill for example. What's a worse offense?

But personally, as far as collusion goes, who cares? It's their league, they have a right to employ who they wish. If it's bad for business to employ Kaep, then by all means don't. The NFL knows who pays their bills and they don't want to piss them off. That's their prerogative as far as I'm concerned. Kaep knew what he was doing, and he did it anyway. He's the rare athlete to practice what he preaches. Now he lays in the bed he made. I'm cool with this and he should be too. That's economics 101.

The scuttlebutt is the NFL PA was tipped off that there is a paper trail so they filed this. If they win, they can void the CBA immediately apparently. This is something I saw online so I have no idea if it's accurate or not but seems plausible.