There is no way PFT or any other casual observer is going to get the difference between the Packers and Hundley versus say the Dolphins and Cutler. Or the Jags and Bortles.

It just isn't worth the explanation. Mostly because of time. By the time we know it is or is not working with Hundley, there might be no need for Kap.

The video clip going around is also just the part of M3's press conference where he got salty with the reporter for insinuating that they needed more than Hundley or Callahan by bringing in a former starter. He is angry at having to answer it again. And he is protecting his guys.

He explained that he felt good about Hundley. Then he got mad at another question about a replacement starter. He also praised Kap in another question, recognizing that he had strafed the Packers.