Just some thoughts after seeing this mess of a movie:

1) Ren is Ben? Some call him Kylo, some Ren, some Ben. Can people make up their minds? Where is Stimpy?
2) Passing of the guard to Emo Vader and the Millenial Falcon. These characters aren't really deep. mostly they posture and throw tantrums. It's like having to go see a movie starring my kids, fighting over who gets to drive.
3) It took Luke half of fucking episode IV to figure out the Millenial Falcon's firing system, yet Ray ray figures it out in a fews seconds and blows away tie fighters like she's playing an arcade game. I guess Millenials are good at Halo and stuff so makes sense.
4) WTF happened to tech advancement? The Millenial Falcon was old in Ep. 4-6. It should be totally ancient and easy to blow away now, right? Especially since it's a hunk of junk at the beginning of Ep 7. who made the 'special modifications?' Chewie maybe?
5) WTF with that Dern Purple Drank? If she's so goddamn smart why not a) send 3PO to drive the ship into the fleet at warp speed (win, win) or b) how about sending the ship right at the start of the chase, eh? And why the fuck couldn't she tell the Po po about her plans? It's not like he was gonna tell someone and blow the whole surprise, right? Also, he Federation has other ships right? Why not get on the horn to STARFLEET and have another ship warp in right in front of the Rumble alliance ships and blow them to shit. The plot devices are just plot devices, but it helps with suspension of disbelief if they are at least mildly plausible instead of numbingly stupid. I'm pretty sure I wrote a plot like this in the 4th grade. Maybe third.
6) WTF with the asian NHS member getting in the movie. Did she win a fan contest?
7) WTF with Chewie and the fuzzy penguins? Were they actually sentient? If so, why did Chewie murder and cook one? If not, why the fuck didn't he eat it?
8) Luke Skywalker - geebus what a loser.
7) Drunken Leia - can't they use CGI techniques to get rid of her slurred speech? I mean, I wanted them to do an intervention, except I know it's too late. Hey folks: don't wait before you commit your relatives with addictions. If Luke can use the force to transport his image across the galaxy, can't Leia use the force to make herself look slimmer and younger? If I could use the force, I'd project a full head of hair on myself. Stupid Jedi. Now you know why they're extinct.
8) Abe Vigoda reappears just to quote his old lines from episode V? I've been doing that for years for free. Maybe they could have signed me up instead of the honor roll asian chick. And I'm just as bald as Yoda so it works. Unless I use the force...
9) Vigoda's line about "a good read, it is not" or something about the 'sacred texts' was memorable, but it makes the whole Jedi religion look like a fraud. Ha ha - yeah the bible is the inspired word of God, but "skip over Numbers because you'll be bored"
10) The lightsaber battle in Snoke's chamber: Someone somewhere must have enjoyed that slaughter, but it was dreadful and boring. The conclusion, being foregone, made one focus on the fact that multiple people were being hacked to bits or immolated. I'm sure the 8 year olds were loving it.
11) BB8 in control of a walker thing slaughtering people: I'm sure this was funny or something - the crowd laughed - but it again begs the question: why have people fight and die when you can just program a medicine ball to kill things for you?
12) I can't wait until episode 10 or 15. I hopefully will be in the grave before then, but I'm certain the series won't have become even more stultifyingly boring by that time - mostly because I can't imagine it being any more boring. Is there anything at all interesting left to explore in this horrifically dull galaxy from far far away. The bad news is that the light from that galaxy will eventually reach ours. The good news is that we'll all be dead by then.