Well I finally saw Solo. I know. The first Star Wars that came out during my lifetime that I didn't see in theaters. Actually first one that I didn't see at first possible showing in theaters now that I think about it.

Pretty good. I guess it makes sense now why they decided to throw water on Han + Leia for episodes 7 and 8. If they had remained happily ever after, it'd be tough for some to go back and be invested in watching a young Han chase skirt all over the galaxy. Loved how they did Lando. The end got tiresome with the double double double cross showdown but whatever. Star Wars is supposed to be fun.

If anyone from Disney reads this, my credentials as a fan are impeccable and I represent the largest demographic in the country--bring me on to consult on a Boba Fett stand alone film. I'm thinking it'll be R rated.