Quote Originally Posted by MadScientist View Post
Ok, from reading a bit more on this, the structure looks to be:
Gute = complete control over the roster (90 and 53)
Ball = control of equipment, video, family affairs, PR, and negotiates contracts (essentially what he's been doing, except that it is formalized and not delegated).

Any issue where there is conflict between Gute and Ball about signing a player, Gute gets the call.

Murphy = control over hiring / firing Gute, Ball, and MM.

Advantages - Removing any one of them for poor performance does not require removing another, or all of them. President is more in tune with all aspects of the organization. GM can focus on players.
Disadvantages - Reduced GM authority compared to previous, possibilities of Gute, MM, and Ball playing maneuvering against each other.

If things go well, nobody will know the difference. If things go badly, it gives a chance for Murphy to decide who is at fault. The problem will be that it can easily devolve to three guys trying to survive at the expense of one or both of the others, with a total breakdown in trust.
Excellent Post.

Logically, this is the way things should be, and we can only hope what should be actually is.