Quote Originally Posted by Anti-Polar Bear View Post
This new Avengers flick is lame, in my humble stoic opinion. I mean, [SPOILER ALERT!] a band of hotshot superheroes failed miserably to defeat the antisocial villain in 2.5 hours? Lame. Superman by himself could've annihilated the villain in 3 minutes.

Then there's the part where Dr. Strange gave up a stone in order to save Ironman's life, as if the hundreds of trillions of lives that eventually perished after Thanos acquired all the stones aren't as divine as Ironman's. I mean, that's akin to Rand and Tex's deity saving His beloved Son at the expense of humanity.

The only nice thing about this flick is Elizabeth Olsen's acting and hotness.
You must have fallen asleep for the part when Dr. Strange used the time gem to explore possible futures and reported that he found one in which the Avengers win.