Quote Originally Posted by Deputy Nutz View Post
Whatever our predictions are for the next movie will be wrong.

But my prediction will be that Black Widow takes the big leap of death. Hulk finally comes out, but it's not just Hulk, It is WORLD BREAKER HULK!!! Or even better HEART OF THE MONSTER HULK will absolutely crush Thanos. Now Thanos with the Infinity Gauntlet is still a different story. Thanos with the gauntlet controls the fundamentally forces of the universe. So no one is going to over power Thanos. Thanos without the gauntlet will get completely pummeled by World Breaker Hulk.

So Thanos will lose the gauntlet by cunning not force.
I think when Scarlet Witch messed with Hulk in Age of Ultron, that was World Breaker Hulk. If not then perhaps in the events of Ragnarok. I say that because Thor: Ragnarok is a combo of the Ragnarok and Planet Hulk comic events and when the Hulk comes back from the gladiator planet is when he's supposed to go World Breaker and face Tony in the hulkbuster armor. But that happened already in the movie universe.

I like the idea of Heart of the Monster Hulk being in a future Dr. Strange movie.