has now been written.

“The thing that I hate as a pet peeve, is Tuesday night in the middle of a season, you're trying to figure out, 'Well, what am I going to call this formation?’ Oh my gosh,” Philbin said. “Now we feel we've got a system in place where we can virtually line up anybody anywhere. And how much we do that, that might depend week to week. But we don't have to sit around and call it 'Oh that's Viking Right' because we're playing in Minnesota, and then next week it's 'St. Louis Left' … even though I guess St. Louis doesn't have a team anymore.

Simplifying in this manner, where the complexity of plays and route combos is not lost but is made easier and quicker to understand for the offense, could be a very good thing. Making you quicker (and your young players more likely to contribute) and keeping the defense on its heels.

Same is true for understanding what the defense is presenting to you.
