To begin with, to Spatchcck a bird is to cut it down the back in order to "butterfly" it. Then the entire bird can be grilled without a rotisserie.


Next, I don't understand and never will "get" the fascination that some have with the most bloody or the most strange or the grossest possible images. If being offensive to others is the end goal, then I must ask how one derives enjoyment from such things. Isn't the world sick enough without adding zombies and entrails at every turn?

Finally, now is a great time of the year to grill seafood. If you know a great grilling method/s for seafood, please post your recipe, technique, and/or super side dish for seafood. Such things as Bacon Wrapped Sea Scallops or Crab Stuffed Flounder or Spiced Steamed Shrimp are a few great melt in your mouth specialities. Grilled Catfish or Tuna are some more great grilling treats.

What's on your grill ?