Quote Originally Posted by australianpackerbacker View Post
Whatever expression you take from what i say, know that it is just an expression. AKA a story. Evaluate with truth whether that story has meaning. I try to see everything that i can conceivably see in my own awareness as a human being. Interacting with others helps me to see where im off base, and challenges me to grow more.

I was actually quoting Jesus because the resonance i felt when saying what i did, was accurate in the context within which it was expressed. But none of the "who said it" matters. "seeing what i want to see", keeps me in the illusion. And thats not honest. Some can live that way. I cant.

"Should we be open to people that eat us?....etc etc...

Think of a martial artist who has been deeply trained in the art of killing his opponent. They are some of the most peaceful people on the planet, because the art of their spiritual practice evolves their understanding of humanity and life way BEYOND the layman. The are of fighting is understand that you dont ever need to fight. They only kill when shit hits the fan. Their true art is peace..

Now think of the military industrial complex, who has created hundreds of thousands of "soldiers" ready for battle by any means necessary. Suicide rates in these trained assassins are very high. But in genuine fighting arts where the art and form is to NEVER fight, these people dont suffer PTSD or any other problem. Killing your fellow man or woman destroys your psyche. There is so much depth to the peaceful warrior that truly no man that has lived a typical western life can comprehend.

I could go on and post thousands of valid reasons why, cant be bothered.
Either I'm missing something or don't do enough drugs.