Quote Originally Posted by MadtownPacker View Post
I’m thinking of not buying anything this year. What for. Too much stuff already and it will just get thrown in the closet and eventually thrown away or donated. I want a simpler life. I would like to give and receive the gift of love. I wish for time to slow down and to be able to enjoy moments that I can remember fondly instead of seeing the pictures on my phone. But none of that’s probably on sale on Black Friday. There are many things happening that have me thinking this way. Bad choices and even worse reactions.

Maybe I’m really hoping for peace on my little piece of Earth.

I understand your feelings on this. IMO, too many egos get bruised each year due to the size/price of their presents. For me it's not the amount or size or the expense that I value, but how well a gift is thought out. Anyone can give a can of shaving cream, but some thought must be applied to buy someone a dress shirt with the correct collar/arm length size. Lined house slippers for one who needs them. Even a supply of printer paper shows that you cared enough to fill a need.

I began this thread to give members a place to exchange gift ideas, perhaps it will help someone this Christmas.