Quote Originally Posted by call_me_ishmael View Post
Nobody is panicking. It's all about being responsible and saving lives. The travel ban is stupid but shutting down schools, having people work from home, stopping sports, etc is an unbelievable show of unity to fight the spread and will ultimately make it dramatically smaller impact. If we did none of those things, every single America would get the virus. It's not over done and stupid. You're over done and stupid.
hahahahahaha Typically, you've got it backwards. Keeping sick damn foreigners out - like the ones from China who brought us the problem in the first place - is obviously the best strategy. The fools in Italy and the rest of Europe were too damn dumb to do that - as you apparently wish for, based on your words here, and look what a mess they have.

Making virtually all Americans suffer with the various shutdowns is what it is - a gross overreaction, but I suppose it will cut down on the already low numbers of cases.

"If we did none of those things, every single America would get the virus." hahahahahaha and you say you're not panicking? Sheeeeesh, that's just ludicrous.