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Thread: More Banjo: Coronavirus And Sports

  1. #381
    Quote Originally Posted by bobblehead View Post
    Valuable time was lost when China lied to the world. Now the money they invested in the WHO is paying off as the world pretends that's not the case. Show me all the experts who were demanding we test more vigorously earlier than we did. You are repeating a talking point that has been debunked already. Resources are limited and I don't mean just money. And again, testing symptomatic people can only be done if those people come in to be tested. People didn't take it seriously early, they called the president racist and accused him of being xenophobic....then those same people whined that he didn't act fast enough.
    I voted for a President of the United States, not the Premier of China.

    Everyone knew not having testing ready was a mistake. The first thing Pence's task force went out to do was to see if they could unscramble the 3M attempt and then promise 1,000,000 kits by the end of the week. C'mon, be serious. Testing is step 1 and they fucked it up. Perhaps it was too late by then. But they paid zero attention to it until coverage started to hurt.

    And someone turned down the WHO testing kit in favor of the one CDC was developing. A CDC that was underfunded and had no backup plan.

    Every infectious disease expert said the same thing early: a travel ban buys you time with these viruses. They did not use that time effectively.

    When your media strategy is to say verifiably false things very loudly to dominate headlines, you are exacerbating, not downplaying your coverage. Its not an unintended consequence, its the intended consequence.

    This is the same thing that happens each time. The details are different but the patterns and weak points are the same. The virus is novel, the slow reaction to a known problem isn't. Put it into business friendly terms. The failure to have testing be prioritized and ready to go has meant that closing down society is the one preventative step left that we have to slow progression of serious illness. Its a colossal failure.
    Last edited by pbmax; 03-23-2020 at 01:01 PM.
    Bud Adams told me the franchise he admired the most was the Kansas City Chiefs. Then he asked for more hookers and blow.

  2. #382
    Quote Originally Posted by George Cumby View Post
    See? You're such a fucking snow-flake pussy.

    You're the first to abuse anyone whose opinion you don't like, you post with not an iota of empathy or caring for your fellow man, your callous disregard for other humans in suffering drips from your posts but when you get mocked for that, you cry 'foul' and want daddy to protect you from meanie George.

    You're fucking pathetic.
    You God damned worthless piece of shit. I can take anything you or any other scumbag dishes out in the form of opinion or whatever, but blatantly and dishonestly misquoting me is over the top. I don't care what pbmax says about some kind of custom. You should be BANNED. You probably should be sued for liable and slander. Hell, if there's any justice, trash like you need to suffer and die painfully.
    What could be more GOOD and NORMAL and AMERICAN than Packer Football?

  3. #383
    OK. If we can't dial it back, I am going to close the thread. Please be civil and possibly return to the sports aspects of it if possible.

    They are still throwing horseshoes on ESPN2. I wonder if horseshoes can hold the coronavirus? Copper is very inhospitable to it, wonder about iron?
    Bud Adams told me the franchise he admired the most was the Kansas City Chiefs. Then he asked for more hookers and blow.

  4. #384
    Quote Originally Posted by texaspackerbacker View Post
    You God damned worthless piece of shit. I can take anything you or any other scumbag dishes out in the form of opinion or whatever, but blatantly and dishonestly misquoting me is over the top. I don't care what pbmax says about some kind of custom. You should be BANNED. You probably should be sued for liable and slander. Hell, if there's any justice, trash like you need to suffer and die painfully.

    Peace and Love, Bro'.

  5. #385
    Quote Originally Posted by pbmax View Post
    I voted for a President of the United States, not the Premier of China.

    Everyone knew not having testing ready was a mistake. The first thing Pence's task force went out to do was to see if they could unscramble the 3M attempt and then promise 1,000,000 kits by the end of the week. C'mon, be serious. Testing is step 1 and they fucked it up. Perhaps it was too late by then. But they paid zero attention to it until coverage started to hurt.

    And someone turned down the WHO testing kit in favor of the one CDC was developing. A CDC that was underfunded and had no backup plan.

    Every infectious disease expert said the same thing early: a travel ban buys you time with these viruses. They did not use that time effectively.

    When your media strategy is to say verifiably false things very loudly to dominate headlines, you are exacerbating, not downplaying your coverage. Its not an unintended consequence, its the intended consequence.

    This is the same thing that happens each time. The details are different but the patterns and weak points are the same. The virus is novel, the slow reaction to a known problem isn't.
    pbmax, Exactly what good do you see in testing? I would suggest that the only thing testing does is give fuel to the panic-mongers - oooh we have so many more cases now; why? because we had more testing. Never mind that nobody dies from it who isn't most of the way gone already, and hardly anybody even gets more than very mildly sick from it.

    More and more, it is becoming obvious to people that we have been fucked up by the panic-mongers messing up our lives. The "cure" really is worse than the disease.
    What could be more GOOD and NORMAL and AMERICAN than Packer Football?

  6. #386
    Quote Originally Posted by texaspackerbacker View Post
    You God damned worthless piece of shit. I can take anything you or any other scumbag dishes out in the form of opinion or whatever, but blatantly and dishonestly misquoting me is over the top. I don't care what pbmax says about some kind of custom. You should be BANNED. You probably should be sued for liable and slander. Hell, if there's any justice, trash like you need to suffer and die painfully.

  7. #387
    Cherry spitting on ESPN the ocho should surely be rescheduled.

  8. #388
    Jumbo Rat HOFer
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    Quote Originally Posted by texaspackerbacker View Post
    pbmax, Exactly what good do you see in testing? I would suggest that the only thing testing does is give fuel to the panic-mongers - oooh we have so many more cases now; why? because we had more testing. Never mind that nobody dies from it who isn't most of the way gone already, and hardly anybody even gets more than very mildly sick from it.

    More and more, it is becoming obvious to people that we have been fucked up by the panic-mongers messing up our lives. The "cure" really is worse than the disease.
    Then why have doctors and hospitals? No need to test for anything. If you are supposed to die you are supposed to die. Why give vaccines? No need for medicine.
    But Rodgers leads the league in frumpy expressions and negative body language on the sideline, which makes him, like Josh Allen, a unique double threat.

    -Tim Harmston

  9. #389
    Is that what you think hospitals are all about, testing? Curing what ails you, that's their purpose, and if you don't have any significant symptoms, you're probably just clogging the system. Whiners are whining about alleged overcrowding, yet mostly the same people doing that whining are craving more tests - resulting in more people unnecessarily being sent to hospitals.
    What could be more GOOD and NORMAL and AMERICAN than Packer Football?

  10. #390
    Oracle Rat HOFer Cheesehead Craig's Avatar
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    I see that Canada isn't sending athletes to Japan for the Olympics and wants the Games delayed by a year.
    All hail the Ruler of the Meadow!

  11. #391
    Quote Originally Posted by bobblehead View Post
    Then why did Rand Paul get tested? Again, you can't force everyone on a chain to get tested. You can recommend they do. And again, if people had taken this seriously when we locked down travel from china we would have more kits not....but they didn't. They ALL didn't.
    If "people", who are these people? The only people I can imagine you talking about in this case is the Trump cabinet. In which case, I agree. What was the average person supposed to do when the government was telling them not to worry? FWIW, my wife kept our family on the ball for about a month now so we've been well stocked on food and essentials. But the average person who doesn't have an exceptional wife? Probably listening to the man in the big chair.

    Which is the norm now days. Like I said, how about the media go back to writing information instead of trying to impose a bias. All the media.
    I agree with this too.

    *snip* nobody would die if Hillary was President
    This is nonsense. I would never say such a thing. I would call a spade a spade. Early inaction here was very problematic and would be for any President regardless of political affiliation. This is not a good situation at all and I don't wish ANYONE gets caught up in it.
    Last edited by call_me_ishmael; 03-23-2020 at 02:18 PM.

  12. #392
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheesehead Craig View Post
    I see that Canada isn't sending athletes to Japan for the Olympics and wants the Games delayed by a year.
    I think it's inevitable.

  13. #393
    Quote Originally Posted by texaspackerbacker View Post
    pbmax, Exactly what good do you see in testing? I would suggest that the only thing testing does is give fuel to the panic-mongers - oooh we have so many more cases now; why? because we had more testing. Never mind that nobody dies from it who isn't most of the way gone already, and hardly anybody even gets more than very mildly sick from it.

    More and more, it is becoming obvious to people that we have been fucked up by the panic-mongers messing up our lives. The "cure" really is worse than the disease.
    More robust testing earlier lets you quarantine a smaller set of possible carriers and symptomatic. That would reduce the spread. If you know where the trouble is, easier to isolate early and on smaller scale.

    Now, we are in a mass quarantine to achieve similar results and slow the spread.
    Bud Adams told me the franchise he admired the most was the Kansas City Chiefs. Then he asked for more hookers and blow.

  14. #394
    Quote Originally Posted by texaspackerbacker View Post
    Is that what you think hospitals are all about, testing? Curing what ails you, that's their purpose, and if you don't have any significant symptoms, you're probably just clogging the system. Whiners are whining about alleged overcrowding, yet mostly the same people doing that whining are craving more tests - resulting in more people unnecessarily being sent to hospitals.

    Ever had a colonoscopy? Any cancer screen? Wife had a pap smear? Mammogram?

    Large scale testing done right doesn't involve a hospital. Its a kit you can give remotely at small clinics or at drive thrus.
    Bud Adams told me the franchise he admired the most was the Kansas City Chiefs. Then he asked for more hookers and blow.

  15. #395
    Indenial Rat HOFer bobblehead's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pbmax View Post
    Oh, we can talk for a long time about the wealthy and connected getting tests ahead of everyone else.

    After stating testing was continuing to be for the symptomatic, Pence and his wife were tested. Do as I say, not as I do.
    Agree there. Celebrities, politicians, and athletes are likely tested at a rate 20x the population at large.

    But again I state. Getting tested doesn't do jack for you except piece of mind. If you have it its the treatment you get that matters. I'll never argue that life is fair, I will argue that thinking you can mandate fairness is naive.
    I don't hold Grudges. It's counterproductive.

  16. #396
    Indenial Rat HOFer bobblehead's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pbmax View Post
    Ever had a colonoscopy? Any cancer screen? Wife had a pap smear? Mammogram?

    Large scale testing done right doesn't involve a hospital. Its a kit you can give remotely at small clinics or at drive thrus.
    But ramping up production of a new test isn't easy. At UMC in NV they aren't testing for wuhan flu. The results take too long to get back. They are testing for 18 other things and if they are all negative then they treat you for chinese virus. If china had let our CDC into china in December we would have ramped up production of a test kit by mid January and have a ton of them available. Instead we started ramping up when we finally could (Guessing like 2 weeks ago) and now people are clamoring "not fast enough"
    I don't hold Grudges. It's counterproductive.

  17. #397
    Roadkill Rat HOFer mraynrand's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pbmax View Post
    Ever had a colonoscopy?
    Not voluntarily

  18. #398
    Quote Originally Posted by bobblehead View Post
    Agree there. Celebrities, politicians, and athletes are likely tested at a rate 20x the population at large.

    But again I state. Getting tested doesn't do jack for you except piece of mind. If you have it its the treatment you get that matters. I'll never argue that life is fair, I will argue that thinking you can mandate fairness is naive.
    It doesn't unless its wide enough to let you be more effective with limited quarantines.

    The CDC or WHO testing kits have been produced at scale. But the CDC version had flaws in one or two of its reagents that rendered other labs unable to verify that the tests worked properly. Those had to be redone and there was a three week delay.

    During those three weeks, all testing had to happen in Atlanta at the CDC, which is not designed to handle that kind of throughout.

    Three weeks took you from containment and mitigation to suppression. Having a backup plan would have been good.
    Bud Adams told me the franchise he admired the most was the Kansas City Chiefs. Then he asked for more hookers and blow.

  19. #399
    Olympics postponed!!!

  20. #400
    Summerfear moves to Sept

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