For the Packers as well as the other 31 NFL teams, the months of March and April are a period of silence, misdirection, bluffing, change and stability. Front offices/coaching staffs are involved in researching possible draft choices, potential free agent (FA) accusations, and possible trades. Many players will be invited to visit teams and lots of secret phone calls will take place. Very little if any real hard news or announcements can be expected. Fan speculation will ebb and flow over this player or that coach, but little factual news will be offered by the teams.

We as fans post about what we want to see happen, who we want to join our teams and who we would like to see leave our teams. Additionally, this year a new Collective Bargaining Agreement for player personal is to be voted on.

Let us all be civil with each other regarding these offseason issues. Disagreements are to be expected, but be fully prepared to backup your case with more than a Rah Rah Rah - Go Team.

Remember that at this time of the year rumors are seldom facts, listen carefully as did that General Manager (GM) say that something will happen or that he wants to see something happen. The big "Poker Game is On" and none of the teams will be showing off their cards.

Members will still post rumors as facts, but let's correct those posters with tolerance and civility. Personal attacks only make this forum look bad and foster bad feelings. Let's agree to disagree as we state our positions moving forward.