Fox you say?

Red is one of the few in this forum that is not a sheep in the herd taunting the uncertain coming of "herd immunity" or shouting about personal freedom/s over the safety of our family's, friends, and our innocent neighbors. A gold star for you Red !

Fake fans? Fake crowd noise? Fake news? It's a Fox trademark.

Bottom line is will there be any football played this fall (College or Pro)? As much as I hope so, I suspect that America will be getting hit with a 2nd or 3rd wave of this Pandemic that will be terrible. Virus's in the past have been known to do curtain calls. Also along with with a Flu virus we could be facing a double barrel threat.

The classic story of the Cricket and the Ants has real relevance at this time. Instead of holding parties and complaining about our personal rights, America needs to be preparing for a real rough time as we move forward. Supplies of (PPE) personal protective equipment like mask and gowns need to be stockpiled. In addition, medical equipment like respirators and Oxygen supplies should also be stockpiled.

Also, weather experts are calling for a bad Hurricane/Storm season this year. Will we be prepared if another Katrina or Andrew strikes as were still dealing with a Pandemic and a bad Flu season? Like the Ants in the story, we'll be better prepared if we get to work warehousing bottled water, pre-staging supplies to repair electrical service, and other emergency equipment/supplies. IMO, it's better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.

Now is not the time to act like the cricket and be wishing we had prepared better, instead of playing political blame games with our fellow citizens lives. Let's not allow personal selfishness and greed to cause us to abandon responsible behavior.