Sorry to hear. Rotator tears suck. Torn my a about five years ago while climbing pegs with the spider monkey kids I coached. Alas the shoulder gave out and took probably 3-4 months of rehab to be back to any semblance of normal usage.

Depending on the location and grade of tear, all the research I've done suggests going the PT route. My doctor at Mayo even said with the strength building that your LAT muscles can help accommodate the strength of the area.

However, I tore that shoulder again last Summer and it's sucked even worse every since. All the PT in the world hasn't seemed to help and still can't sleep on that side (as Wist noted for his) nor really lift much above my shoulder with that arm.

Given surgery holds no promises, between that and the cost and there never being a good time to do the proper recovery work it's a hard call to make.

I hope that PT helps you get to a point where you can do the things needed/wanted without much pain. Otherwise I find that several BA beers always helps

If you go forward with surgery - good luck!