The whiners and detractors can whine and detract all they want, but the GOAT will still be the GOAT a long long time, and it will be a damn shame if it isn't in Green Bay. Ya'all Love lovers can have him hahahaha. He's not a piece of crap, but he's not and never will be the quality of Aaron Rodgers, not now, not 1 or 2 or 3 years, etc. I wouldn't bet that Rodgers actually decides to play 8 more years (or more), although I certainly wouldn't rule it out. What I would bet on is that Rodgers even that far in the future would be a better QB than Jordan Love - that's no knock on Love, as I'd say the same for just about anybody else, save for a couple or three legitimate possibilities to have almost Rodgers-like careers.

Claiming to be "realistic" is the realm of balls-less anti-homer fools. If the shoe fits .......