53, 5'8" 150#.

Struggled with body dysmorphia as a young man, growing up in the age of Schwarzenegger and Stallone being slight of frame didn't help my body image.

Found technical rock-climbing, a sport which fit my mind-set and body type. Climbed single-mindedly for 10+ years.

Found my wife and then had kids, no time to climb, plus injury/death hard to fit into the family life.

Did CrossFit solid for 10 years.

Now, I do a mixed bag of running/rucking, yoga/mobility/movement, gymnastics, kettlebell and barbell plus random outdoor activities.

The biggest thing for me is not chasing what other people are doing and listening to my own body, as trite as that is. And not maxing or going to failure anymore. I don't have the adaptive capacity anymore.

I've messed around with the time-restricted feeding and like it but have found if my training volume is up, my body NEEDS extra fat and protein.

I've also found that when fasting, I sleep REALLY poorly, so I don't hardcore fast.

Thanks, UN for starting a good, positive thread.