Good Idea for a thread.

I too think Douglas would be excellent at Safety. The way I look at it, though, either it is prime in the staff's mind already, or else they know something that isn't obvious to us in here about why that wouldn't work. The guy has seemed to be open to whatever helps the team the most. I WISH they'd scrap Barry's primarily zone pass coverage, although I guess that's not likely.

I'm a big Myers fan. He might have been down a little last season, but he still was/is damn good, and he is the kind of Center I prefer - big and strong even if not as mobile as some smaller guys at the position. Tom was a pleasant surprise to me last season. I still see him more as a "6th man" than starter, though. Rhyan, on the other hand is the complete opposite. I had real high hopes for him, but he apparently showed nothing. I still have a little bit of hope that he will get better this season, but really not much. Hanson seemed like pure crap. Newman, though, wasn't all bad and still might be useful.

I used to like Savage, and I still think with better coaching he could be good. I like him better as a deep Safety, though. I remember one game in particular where he and Amos roamed around and were good in two deep. Douglas might be good that way too. In case anybody hasn't heard, I think Casey Hayward is still available as a FA.

Engabare is the "player of interest" I will contribute. I have hopes for a breakout season for him. Walker also, although that wouldn't be as big news considering his status as a fairly high first round pick.