Quote Originally Posted by run pMc View Post
Bahktiari had his knee scoped last week, word is he'll need another operation to repair cartilage in his knee. That would be 5 operations on the same knee in 3 years. This keeps up and he'll be walking with a cane at age 40.

I haven't heard of a press conference, but I did hear MLF say that he was going to let DB speak for himself regarding all the reporter's questions. I think MLF is sick of being asked about Bakhtiari every day, but I also think he kind of brought some of it on himself with all the cloak-and-dagger nonsense.

As much as I think DB is a great LT, I'm skeptical of his availability now and in the future. Given his cap hit, it will be a Rubik's cube of maneuvering to keep him, and I suspect Gute and Co are ready to move on.
He will never play another snap with Green Bay.