I don't agree with everything APB says even in this part of the forum, but he makes far more sense than the ya'all clique of posters.

D Line, yeah at times a top draft pick there is warranted, just not this year considering the quality the Packers already have there. O Line? NEVER! It's the skill positions, particularly QB that determine success on offense, and the past three decades or more of Packer football demonstrate that. Any perception of high quality O Line play was the result of Favre, Rodgers, and as of last year, Love. The line was porous but the QBs succeeded anyway, and the team was great most of that past three decades. It's only a little less obvious with the running game. It succeeded because of the greatness of the passing game as well as having decent RBs. The key was and always will be a pass first offense with fast RBs as a change of pass to that passing game.

Some will ignorantly say "you can't do it without an O Line". Duh. You need to have somebody playing O Line, taking up space at least. But do you need greatness in the O Line? Hell no. And if you do have greatness, will there be success without a quality QB and excellent RBs and receivers? Also hell no. Sure, if you get some lemon like Marshall House playing, it can screw things up. But not much above that level/mediocrity - as the Packers have consistently had, whether ya'all admit it or not, and things will be just fine, as they have been for most of the past 30+ years in Green Bay. Thus, O Line is NOT worthy of "premium picks".