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Thread: Divisions you give No Fux about.

  1. #1

    Divisions you give No Fux about.

    For the life of me, I cannot find a fuck to give about the NFC South or the AFC South. At times, I can't even remember which teams comprise them. Granted, it may be creeping dementia or mini-strokes, but even when I can remember the teams, I JUST. DON'T. CARE.

    I don't know if it's because they are a lot of expansion teams, the team colors or what, but neither Division is compelling in the least, to me. In contrast, I love watching an AFCN matchup or NFCW or NFCN, for obvious reasons. Hell, even the over-broadcast NFCE is almost always worth a watch.

    Is this phenomenon anything anyone else shares?

  2. #2
    Usually takes me a minute to remember every team in the NFCS, as for the AFCS, I usually forget they exist, and then wonder at how Indy is in that division. I think that's the junk drawer of football divisions: IND, TEN, HOU, JAX. bleh.

    Mostly I care about GB and the NFCN, then the NFC, and then the AFC in general. The South divisions aren't especially interesting.

  3. #3
    Neo Rat HOFer Fritz's Avatar
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    Spot on there. How Indy is in the “south” is also beyond me. But then again, Dallas is . . . In the East??

    Hope they don’t use the NFL to teach geography.
    "The Devine era is actually worse than you remember if you go back and look at it."


  4. #4
    El Jardinero Rat HOFer MadtownPacker's Avatar
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    I only have interest in the AFC West due to regional impact. The raiders have a huge following in CA as you would imagine. No one cares about the chargers. Don’t care at all about any other unless Packers play that div. Just like I take a special interest in the NFCW due to niners, rams, seahawks, not really cards. But unlike TexasPackerBacker, who embraces and even roots for regional teams like the cowboys because “mediapukes” tell him they are “America’s team”, I am good with NFCW losing all their games and splitting ties with their div opponents.

  5. #5
    It’s all about our NFC North - I swear we’d cheer the Lions if they ever made it to the Super Bowl.

    The only AFC division I give a fux about is the AFC North with the Steelers, Bungles, Browns and Ravens.
    All rest, who gives a fux.

  6. #6
    Lunatic Rat HOFer RashanGary's Avatar
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    I’m mostly pay attn to NFCN
    49ers and Seahawks make NFCW interesting
    My son is a giants fan so I follow nfce
    My stepdad is a dolphins fan so I follow AFCE

    The rest I don’t pay much attention too.
    Formerly known as JustinHarrell.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by MadtownPacker View Post
    I only have interest in the AFC West due to regional impact. The raiders have a huge following in CA as you would imagine. No one cares about the chargers. Don’t care at all about any other unless Packers play that div. Just like I take a special interest in the NFCW due to niners, rams, seahawks, not really cards. But unlike TexasPackerBacker, who embraces and even roots for regional teams like the cowboys because “mediapukes” tell him they are “America’s team”, I am good with NFCW losing all their games and splitting ties with their div opponents.
    I'm surprised you don't remember the story I told a long time ago about how I became a Cowboy fan, secondarily of course. It goes back to the NFL/AFL wars when the NFL put their expansion team in Dallas in direct competition with the Dallas Texans - owned by AFL bigwig Lamar Hunt with his tons of oil money. Like most Packer fans, I hated the AFL with a passion. I rooted for the Cowboys to succeed and the Texans to fail - which they did to some extent, leaving Dallas and becoming the KC Chiefs. Rooting for them got to be a habit, I guess. That, and I sorta respected them after the Packers beat them to get to the first two Super Bowls. That was almost a decade or so before I came (involuntarily thanks to the army) to Texas.
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