Quote Originally Posted by KYPack View Post
Absolutely you will. Keep watching tape and learning the tricks of the trade. Ain't no crime to get fooled when they disguise coverages on ya. On that play Zak got fooled, why shouldn't you?

Just remember, seeing two guys in ISO on a coverage doesn't mean it's man, but sometimes it does, ha.
We're both just fans trying to figure out what our team is doing
I see what I missed I think. It looked like Quay was playing the curl/flat zones and was doing a zone drop, kind of drifting toward the inside route coming his way. I think if he had his eyes square on the back it would have indicated man. The rest of the defense there was no way of knowing, but quay kind of gave away zone (at least on that half of the field)

And yeah, I see how those corners could have been playing the deep 1/3rd even though they didn’t drop. No one threatened them deep so they just kept a safe distance in case someone did start going deep.

I’m pretty sure that’s what happened and what I missed on, anyway.