I still wonder if the Jest would give up a pick for Bakh.

Think about it: He's stated he definitely wants to play - has he even said for two years? I don't know - and he's the Jets' Co-GM's best friend. If you're the other GM, Joe Douglas, you know you need lots of O-line help. Let's say you know you're going to draft an offensive tackle early on - you're still struggling as to whether, say, JJ McCarthy or one of the other second-tier QB's is worth your first round pick - so you're thinking either first- or third-round. And you probably need two tackles, or a tackle and a guard. And sure, Bakhtiari is a big medical risk. But IF he is able to play, you'll have a rock-solid pass-blocker (plus he's the Co-GM's best friend, and you want your Co-GM to be hap-hap-happy) for a very meager price - maybe a fifth rounder? A sixth? You're likely not going to find a starting left tackle - as a rookie - in the fifith or sixth round. And you need someone who can step in and play right away, because the clock is ticking on your Co-GM's other career, as an NFL QB. The Packers are publicly saying they're going to keep Bakhtiari, and not cut him, so you can't wait around like a vulture. So you throw a sixth-round pick away if it doesn't work out. Not a huge risk for the potential payoff - a rock-solid starting left tackle in a year you're going all-in.

The salary part, I know nothing about. So I don't know how that all would factor in, though the Co-GM supposedly signed a team-friendly deal last year, so maybe you can do some more voodoo and fit Bakh in.