Thunder, you're a smart guy. So you know that demand is not simply organic, or based on logic. Demand can be manufactured, manipulated. Think about cigarette companies adding elements to cigarettes in the early 1950's that they new would help people become addicted.

I'm not being political here: this is just what many, many corporations do to increase sales: make wants become, or at least seem like, needs. There's been research done that shows that smartphones have a real impact on the human brain, making that brain crave the dopamine release from the constant "hit" of a new tiktok video, or a new sale on something, or whatever. It's an interconnected system. Free will, in my opinion, does play a part - I'm not completely disagreeing with you - I'm just saying we live in a world in which entities much larger than our individual selves do have real impact on the choices we are able to make.

And how about Guter getting fired up about this team? The whole organization seems - just my opinion - to be unleashed after years of seeming to be captive to Aaron Rodgers. There's an energy here we haven't seen in a few years.