It’s really adaptability and flexibility with tendencies to lean toward the processes that give the highest probability for success. Any contract is rolling dice. But if it’s a guy you’ve seen for 4 years it’s more like rolling 3 dice instead of only having 2. If you only get to throw dice a limited number of times, you want to be rolling 3 dice as often as you can. And you might even wait a year to roll again because you’d rather when you do roll, you get the best chance.

But even that’s not absolute. If you feel like you’re soooooo close, maybe you’re like fuck it, I’m rolling 2 dice. I like my chances of a title right now with 2 dice more than my chances next year with 3. There are scenarios when taking the lower probability roll pay off too. Or you’re just feeling nervous and you jump the gun and get lucky.

It’s never ending scenarios, but there are some things that are proven to give you a better chance. Drafting well and signing your own should be the centerpiece of your operation.