Quote Originally Posted by RashanGary View Post
Agree. Not true at all. This exercise shows that after a few years of kicking the can down the road as far as you can kick it, you have no advantage at all because the dead cap offsets whatever kicking you try to do.

But Tex is absolutely right that you’re never in “cap hell” and have to start over. You can always continually kick and be no worse off than a team that refuses to kick.

But a team that wasn’t kicking and then decides to kick at an opportune time, they do have an advantage over either of the above teams.
Exactly. I would absolutely HATE it if a team I'm a fan of tore down to rebuild, as a few occasionally have done in the NFL as well as in MLB and other sports.

Sharpe's example is valid too, but it would be rare enough to be irrelevant.