Quote Originally Posted by red View Post
sucks that it seems like some of the guys who might have had a problem with the shit scheme were punished or removed from the team (douglas, campbell, alexander)

shame on lefleur for letting that crap go on so long, but good on him for FINALLY stepping in and doing something about the mess
I remember a lot of us were starting to suspect that there was maybe some ugly business going on behind those closed doors the last month and a half or so, but I'm wondering now if it may have been worse than we imagined. Campbell clearly has a hell of a lot he wants to get off his chest; pretty good bet he's not the only one.

I wonder if we'll hear more. Players who are staying are certainly not going to open up as much as that on the record, and it doesn't look like we're going to lose many more in free agency. Maybe Savage will have something to say down the road (although he doesn't seem like the type), and of course in a few months there will be camp cuts. I think our best chance at getting bits of gossip and juicy hints will be as the season unfolds, we'll hear players say things like, "yeah, we really balled out, everybody knew what their assignment was and how we were supposed to do it. Been a while since things felt like that around here."

If it really was this bad, I'm all the more impressed with how much the team as a whole accomplished tis season.

And I agree with you - shame on Lafleur for letting this turn into what it really now appears to have turned into. One thing I've seen about Lafleur that I respect and admire is that he does seem to learn from his mistakes, even if it sometimes take a while. Hopefully he learned a big, big lesson from this one. Being a head coach is pretty damned complicated, and one of the true measures of whether someone is going to be good at it is how they learn from their mistakes and move on. Because one way or the other, they're going to make a hell of a lot of them, and if they have to keep making the same ones over and over again because they don't learn, their job is going to be a lot harder than it needs to be.

Especially ones like this, because this one appears to have been a big one.