My initial reaction to this pick was that it was the Ol Amari Rodgers or Josiah Deguara situation.

But he got a respectable 7.0 RAS and plays bigger than his size so maybe plays more like a 7.5 ras.

He’s not versatile in the sense of being a do everything safety, but he is versatile in the sense of being a really strong run defender and blitzer. If you want to play some big nickel with Quay, Cooper and Williams as your linebackers, I think you have the speed there to be a pretty effective big nickel unit or even kind of a small base unit depending on how you view it.

But it opens up some options with his just good enough safety skillset along with his linebacker like tackling and thumping ability. It’s a different versatility, maybe more of a luxury than full time piece, but you can see some options there. If he’s a baller. And there is a lot of talk that he’s a football player, a dude, and a hard working football guy.