What we are seeing here is the logical outcome from a failed foreign policy.In 2002, Bush referred to Iraq, Iran, and North Korea as the "axis of evil." We then invaded Iraq, while refusing to engage in direct talks with the other two. Does it really surprise anyone that Iran and North Korea would accelerate their nuclear weapons programs after seeing what we did to Iraq? So we now have one country of the axis with nuclear weapons, one that is pursuing them, and one on the brink of civil war. Obviously, we wouild like to see a change in regime in North Korea, but how do you make that happen? China probably doesn't want it, because they don't want a communist regime on their doorstep going under, for a variety of reasons. As we have seen in Iraq, getting rid of a brutal regime does not automatically lead to peace and security. I wish I had a solution to offer, but the situation is so bad that it is hard to come up with good options. The North Korean government is so dysfunctional that it is hard to impose sanctions on the government without creating a huge humanitarian crisis in North Korea. Perhaps China can talk some sense into the North Koreans, but it is hard to be optimistic.