I know I was a big proponent of evolving this thing, probably to the consternation of many here. I will apologize for that--I got a vision of what this place could be with the amazing football posters that we have and couldn't get the idea out of my head.

Just to clear the air, it wasn't because I disliked UNF or C-E. I wrote a really long PM to UNF asking him to reconsider his position. I honestly didn't have a problem with the religious side of it and did check out the other forums from time to time. My angle was that those of us that put football first and religion second needed a place to call home. This whole scenario has turned out to be a big mess, but out of this messy chaos can come brilliant order. If we turn all of our football minds to, as Harvey eloquently put it, turning this into the best possible Packer site possible, then I think we will have shot a big F.U. to JSO and will have achieved the best possible outcome.

Now, I just need you creative Packer people to ante up. This is OUR site and this will only become what we make it. Thus, get over to the Site Development forum and start posting what you're interested in doing--writing, reports on GB or the Pack, Packer photos, blogging, fantasy player prognostication, web design, whatever. If we are to get this place live by the draft and start attracting new blood, then we're going to have to be aggressive.
