Don't know how many baseball fans are around this site, but would be interested to know how we all feel ref a statement Keith Hernandez made.

During a Mets game in San Diego the TV camera found a woman in the Padres dugout. Keith is a "color analyst" for the Mets, and was asked what his opinion was, on a major league team having a woman in the dugout!
Keith offered his OPINION that when he played, there were never any women allowed in the dugouts.. It was his OPINION and what he felt, he answered the question he was asked. Turns out she is a physical therapist for the Pods.

Well, the media has blown this sky high! SNY (the cable channel that carries the Mets here in NY) has made an apology, Keith's thoughts don't reflect the beliefs of this station's management, the Mets made an apology, even Hernandez was forced into an apology! WTF??

He didn't call her a evil person, a bad name, call her a crack whore, he didn't even know what she did for the Padres, just stated his opinion and the fact, "when I was playing, there were no women allowed in the dugouts". That's all he said..

Now the question, has this country taken the P.C. crap too far? Was Keith's OPINION so far fetched and repulsive that it should cause this kind of trouble?