I voted Other:Explain

I support the "build through the draft" mantra that has been TT's motife in rebuilding (yes...rebuilding). It's not like he has not tried in FA...remember Lavarr Arrington last year and a couple other spurns (that we now feel lucky on). He also hit on Pickett and Woodson (cannot deny the impact they had on D). We'll see how Manuel turns out in TC.

This year the FA class stunk but there were some stopgap players that maybe could have helped. Would Griffin, Hamlin or Grant helped? And are they bettter than the youngsters we got now?

I do believe he was counting on the Moss trade as his biggest free agent/trade splash. There just has to be more to this story than we are privy too, and some sort of GM "Code of Ethics" he is sticking too we probably never will. TT may have been played and there are all sorts of rumors out there as to what happened and how. He may have errored in not completing the deal before the draft, if he indeed could have.

What actually happened, who knows, but I'm not ready to throw him under the bus yet. Randy Moss signed a 1 year deal, maybe we get a shot at him next year. Maybe he won't be worth it. Maybe he is the one that cornholed TT. At this point it is irrelevent. If it was he who errored, I doubt he would make that same mistake twice. He look wiped and taken aback after the first day. Let's see if he can recover and wheel and deal to get us the help we need (like V. Morency) and get the young guys up to snuff and see where they take us this year.

If the Packers do not progress this year, then it's time for a smackdown, as 5 years to a SB is good, 5 years to even have a winning record is bad.