To encourage jsonline's antagonists and politicians Tex, Lomboo, St. Lou, SFF (if he's still alive), the Pack, Viking Troll, among others to check out this forum, I have started a FYI thread, this one.

First topic: The Dukes of Durham

You all know the story and may not care but i will summarize it anyway. Duke University lacrosse team throws a party during spring break. Hires 2 strippers, one is black. People drink, get drunk, shit happens. Stripper accuses jocks of rape. Public outcry due to the nature of the case, which in the words of espn writer Greg Graber, symbolizes “the confluence of race, class, privilege and gender" on the Duke campus and Durham community as a whole.

The politik questions: does the justice system unjustly favor white upper class Americans? Weeks have gone by; how come there hasn’t been any arrest yet? Say, the opposite occurred and instead of white jocks being accused of raping black woman, black jocks are accused of raping white woman, would an arrest have took place already? Is Duke conspiring to conceal the truth? Is the university doing enough to punish the players? What is the politik correctness amidst all this chaos?

You may choose to debate or you may not. Its up to you.

Or you need not care at all.