I was just reading the chili recipe posted by Zig on the home page.

It sounds yummy, but, somewhat oddly, it calls for bourbon.

I believe I once read a hilarious account of someone cooking with alcohol. The narrating chef begins in a sober and proper tone, as it were, precisely articulating both the food preparation and his gradually increasing intake of alcohol. The genius of the piece was how gradually and genuinely the chef slides into carelessness, sloppiness, and profanity as he becomes totally inebriated.

Anyway it was one of those humorous pieces that comes to you having been forwarded a zillion times.

I haven't a clue how to begin the search, so I was wondering if any of you had read it or can find it.

Or you can post a really boozy recipe. My mom has one for "Soused Pork" in which you pour an entire bottle of red wine over a big pork loin and cook it until tender. I'll try to dig that one out of the archives.