I like the direction this looks to be headed, creepy. I had posted a prediction of a quasi civil war between those that wanted/had to stay versus those that wanted/had to go here last week in the favorite character string, but I still don't believe it, they've only been on the island 91 days, you wouldn't think they be stir crazy just yet. I'm still reaching for how/why Locke and Linus are so adamant that no one leaves, the location of the island seems so hidden, what do they care if someone goes? Looks like a civil conflict may be the case after all, got the potential for an adult version of Lord Of The Flies, acts so animal that the six dare not reveal to the outside world how primal they got with each other when push came to shove.

There may only be six that get off, who knows how many get killed in the process, but I fully expect that someone WILL be going back to the island, post-flash forward, to tie up business. That being said, I think things will move faster than some predict concerning how quickly the in-fighting turns deadly, how soon the six are gone, and when things head back to the island.